2.4ghz rf/if converter and synthesizer.
a low noise, gain selectable amplifier (LNA) followed by a down-converter mixer. An up-converter mixer and a high performance preamplifier compose the transmit chain. The r.
A reduced filter count is realized by multiplexing the receive and transmit IF paths and by sharing a common differentia.
PIN 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 13 17 19 21 22 23 24 NAME LNA_VCC1 RX_IN BIAS1_VCC1 H/L PE2 PE1 TX_VCC1 TXA_OUT TX_VCC1 TXA_IN LE DATA CLK REF_BY Low Noise Amplifier Positive Power Supply. Low Noise Amplifier RF Input, internally DC coupled and requires an externa.
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